Our Leadership

Mr. Melvyn Pun Chi Tung

Chairman and Chief Executive Officer

Board of Directors

Mr. Cyrus Pun Chi Yam

Executive Director

Ms. Wong Su Yen

Non-Executive Lead Independent Director

Dato Timothy Ong Teck Mong

Non-Executive Independent Director

Mr. George Thia Peng Heok

Non-Executive Independent Director

Professor Annie Koh

Non-Executive Independent Director

Mr. Alberto Macapinlac de Larrazabal

Non-Executive Non-Independent Director

Mr. Ho Seng Chee

Non-Executive Independent Director

Professor Annie Koh

Non-Executive Independent Director

Mr. Alberto Macapinlac de Larraxabal

Alternate Director to Mr. Jaime Alfonso Antonio Zobel de Ayala

Mr. Cyrus Pun Chi Yam

Alternate Director to Mr. Serge Pun @ Theim Wai

Ms. Wong Su-Yen

Non-Executive Independent Director

Professor Annie Koh

Non-Executive Independent Director

Management Team

Mr. JR Ching

Chief Financial Officer

Ms. Joycelyn Siow Li Yuen

Group Financial Controller

Mr. Kenneth See

Group General Counsel

Ms. Jane Chia

Group Treasurer

Ms. Thinn Thandar Shwe

Head of Group Human Resources

Mr. Michael Toh

Head of Corporate Finance

Mr. Phyo Thet Khine @ Chase

Head of Group Technology

Ms. Myitzu Htun

Head of Risk Management and Assurance

Mr. Ben Koo

Head of Yoma Financial Services

Mr. Minn Htet Khine

General Manager, KFC Myanmar

Mr. Gerhard Hartzenberg

Head of Heavy Equipment

Mr. Michael Rudenmark

Head of Passenger Vehicles